2013 bød på flere nye foreninger og initiativer til mere pluralisme i den økonomiske debat og til kritik af økonomisk dogmatisme.
Studerende på Aarhus Universitet har stiftet Det Samfundsøkonomiske Selskab (DSS). Formålsparagraffen lyder: to create a space for economic students at Aarhus University to meet more pluralism in economic theories and methods, and to promote reflexion on the effects of these on society.
Studerende på Manchester University, UK, har oprettet “The Post-Crash Economics Society” (PCES) med følgende sigte og formålserklæring:
- The Post-Crash Economics Society has been set up to try and broaden the range of perspectives and the teaching methods used by the Manchester Economics Department.
- We will run a campaign to build student support and engage in dialogue with the economics department.
- We will run events, workshops and other activities.
- We aim to be a society that is accessible to all students and staff with an interest in economics whatever their economic and political beliefs
PCES’s website har en interessant liste over anbefalet læsning: Here is a list of recommended readings for those interested in heterodox economics and critiquing the mainstream, but also with some opposing views from mainstream economists. Forever incomplete, this will be updated intermittently.